Welcome to That Would Be Rude!

All of the stories are true.
They have either happened to me, or I witnessed them happening.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vacuum Cleaners

When my little sister Molly was a kid she was terrified of dustballs. She called them "Woollies" and always shrieked when she saw them. 

She must have thought that they were scary bugs or monsters- and she really hated them.  Even scarier to Molly was the beast that ATE the woowys- the vacuum cleaner.

In public, Molly was shy and didn't like making scenes because it meant that people would "wook" at her. 
At Sears one day Molly finally had to face her biggest fear- and in public!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Driving with Steve

I am -finally- learning how to drive.  My driving instructor, Steve, is a hilarious man who mumbles all kinds of things while we're on the road. Sometimes I completely miss what he is trying to say (Is he telling me to turn right or is he commenting on that girl's hair?). Other times I am lucky enough to hear a whole sentence such as: "look at that guy, is he eating a donair?"