Welcome to That Would Be Rude!

All of the stories are true.
They have either happened to me, or I witnessed them happening.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


At the DMV everything is double checked.
They don't even believe their own eyes.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dunsworthism- Silence Fillers

Dunsworths, when together, don't like a minute of silence to pass.  Especially not at the dinner table.
These are some of the nonsense things we say to fill in that pesky silence.

Monday, September 26, 2011

3 Ways to Avoid public Outreach

Public Outreach is responsible for all of those nice looking people who wear vests and ask if you "have a minute for ____ today?"

I am in no way trying to discourage people from talking to them, hearing about their great causes, and/or donating money. 

They are, however, driving me crazy by asking me that question every few feet, every day, regardless of how many minutes I have given to ___ in the past.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sam Again!

My tiny cousin Sam just turned 4!
I shouldn't egg him on but I LOVE his insults.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Mystery of the Wet Oven

Recently a friend stayed over after we'd had a couple of drinks. I woke up in the morning to find the oven door open and water everywhere...
I immediately asked her about it.

I asked Zander about it, and he said that it had been closed and dry when he went to bed (before we got home).
 I wiped it up and went to work.  But I couldn't stop thinking about it.
You see, this had happened to me 5 years before, with a different friend in a different apartment:

In that case, I had turned the oven on a few days later and discovered that it wasn't really water...

My brain couldn't accept the fact that it was just water this time,  but it also couldn't comprehend the idea of having two different friends pee in two different ovens...

It was an awkward situation...
Finally, I just had to ask.

Upon further remembering, we realized that she had needed to pee on the walk home and hadn't before she went to bed.
She also admitted that her pants were undone when she woke up.

So. I'm the friend who will clean up your oven pee.

**The drawing of my friend is not accurate. Due to embarrassment.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011


      Last night Mom admitted something:

 It is true that Mom personified food to guilt us  into eating it...

       ...And now I DO feel better about the broccoli...


  ...But what about the peas?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vacuum Cleaners

When my little sister Molly was a kid she was terrified of dustballs. She called them "Woollies" and always shrieked when she saw them. 

She must have thought that they were scary bugs or monsters- and she really hated them.  Even scarier to Molly was the beast that ATE the woowys- the vacuum cleaner.

In public, Molly was shy and didn't like making scenes because it meant that people would "wook" at her. 
At Sears one day Molly finally had to face her biggest fear- and in public!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Driving with Steve

I am -finally- learning how to drive.  My driving instructor, Steve, is a hilarious man who mumbles all kinds of things while we're on the road. Sometimes I completely miss what he is trying to say (Is he telling me to turn right or is he commenting on that girl's hair?). Other times I am lucky enough to hear a whole sentence such as: "look at that guy, is he eating a donair?"